The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual after-effects of the tornadoes will be long-lasting.
Please don't forget us. We need your prayers.
The following Litany of Supplication in Time of Trouble from Bishop Parsley of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama, although written for those us who are living through this horrendous experience, can easily be adapted by others who wish to pray. If you are so inclined, please pass this along to others who are willing to offer support in this way.
Your comments and well-wishes posted on "From The Big Red Chair" blogspot will be passed along to the people of this area who need to know we have not been forgotten. Thank you.
Bunny Cox - Blessed in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Gracious God, arise, help us;
And deliver us for your Names sake.
We have heard with our ears and our ancestors declared unto us the noble works of loving kindness and healing that you have done in their days, and in the old time before them.
Gracious God, arise, help us;
And deliver us for your Names sake.
With breaking hearts and deep sadness at the tragedy of the tornadoes in our state, (and especially in this community of _______________,) we pray for all who have died and all injured, for those who have lost their homes, and for those who are alone and afraid.
Gracious God, arise, help us;
And deliver us for your Names sake.
Guide and strengthen all who are providing food and water, shelter and care for those in need; grant your wisdom to those coordinating relief efforts and generosity to those who offer gifts and funds for support and assistance.
Gracious God, arise, help us;
And deliver us for your Names sake.
Embrace all those who have lost loved ones, friends, and neighbors with your comfort and compassion; bind us all in deeper community and as we join hands to support one another and rebuild our life together.
Gracious God, arise, help us;
And deliver us for your Names sake.
Renew our trust in your presence in the midst of loss, and in your power of hope and healing in our midst. Grant that no storms and clouds of this world may ever hide from us the light of your love, which is eternal and heals our hearts, world without end.
Gracious God, arise, help us;
And deliver us for your Names sake.
Let us pray:
Loving Father of all, we humbly pray you to look graciously upon our hurts and heartaches, and especially upon those in the greatest need in this time of trouble. Grant that we may put our whole trust and confidence in your mercy; bind us together in mutual love and service, and make us instruments of your healing and peace; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Episcopal Diocese of Alabama
The Rt. Rev. Henry N. Parsley, Jr.
April 29, 2011