
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will come often. It is my hope that these stories and reflections will be helpful in your spiritual journey. I look forward to your thoughts, questions, or suggestions. Please leave your comments and join as a follower so I will know you were here. It is a privilege to share the journey with you.

If you wish to know more about me, spiritual direction or retreats visit my website. www.bunnycox.com. Blessings, Bunny

*See first posting in January, 2011 to learn why this blog is called "From the Big Red Chair."

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Healer

I was speaking with a new acquaintance when a wave of sadness rose from nowhere.  It broke over me, and without warning, tears began to flow. That's the way it sometimes is with grief.  Embarrassed by my inability to contain emotion, I choked out an apology. 

“Please don’t apologize,” my new friend said. 

“I am a doctor,” he explained. “When someone who is bleeding comes to me, the first thing I do is clean the wound with a saline solution that in chemical composition is identical to tears.”   

“I heal no one,” he said. “God does the healing.”

“By washing the wound, I only create an environment where God’s healing can occur.  Please don’t apologize.  I believe tears wash our wounds and are a gift of the Holy Spirit.”


What are my thoughts about this statement: “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.”  --Washington Irving

What are my feelings about emotions? Do I apologize for tears?

Have I known healing tears? 

Do I believe tears are a gift of the Holy Spirit?

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