
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will come often. It is my hope that these stories and reflections will be helpful in your spiritual journey. I look forward to your thoughts, questions, or suggestions. Please leave your comments and join as a follower so I will know you were here. It is a privilege to share the journey with you.

If you wish to know more about me, spiritual direction or retreats visit my website. www.bunnycox.com. Blessings, Bunny

*See first posting in January, 2011 to learn why this blog is called "From the Big Red Chair."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tending the Flame


A story from Bold Expectations of the Gospel by Donald J. Shelby: 

            Winter was closing in, and the supply boat had not yet arrived with reserves of oil.  The few inhabitants of the little village were facing discomfort and possible death in the cold, bleak area, for their individual oil supplies were running out.  Because they were his neighbors and because he was a compassionate man, the keeper gave away, little by little, the reserves of oil at the lighthouse.  Then one night the bright beacon light went out, and there was no oil to feed the flickering flame.  The very supply ship bringing the needed reserves of oil was driven onto the rocky coast and destroyed.

            It is only a story, but it suggests this truth about life.  We are never to give away the oil of our lamp, be it ever so little.  Our gift is the flame.  It is blessed to give, but it is also blessed to keep, to reverence our own life.  If we do not rest, we soon will not be able to communicate.  To give to others, we must keep something for ourselves.  Before going out to serve others in the name of God, we let God in to serve and recreate us. 

“Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while.”  (Mark 6:31)

  • Do I give reverence to my own life?
  • Do I set aside time to tend the flame?  When? How firm is that commitment?  
  • What renews my spirit?

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